2010 - 2019



曲棍球: 男子曲棍球队在2009年开始作为俱乐部队,然后在2010年成为大学队. 女子曲棍球 holds its first season in 2010 and triumphs over all comers with a 29-2记录 and 在弗兰克·罗杰斯教练的带领下获得了地区亚军.

Men's lacrosse makes use of the new artificial turf field for its fast and furious 体育运动.

In their inaugural season the women's lacrosse team swamped the competition with their 29-2记录.

A masters degree in Sustainable Business is inaugurated to build on the success of 同一领域的学士学位. 可持续发展中心的成立是为了 be a resource for the college and area businesses on sustainable practices and new 可持续发展领域的发展.

表演艺术中心成为十大赌博登录官网复兴的主要舞台 剧院项目.

The festivities surrounding graduation day, including the baccalaureate mass and commencement ceremony, remain a highlight of the academic year for students, faculty, 工作人员 and 父母.

Phase I of the Fieldhouse renovation opens with the unveiling of the new Sturrus Sports & 健身中心. 备有供学生及学生运动员使用的健身器材, and a new playing surface for indoor 体育运动s, the Center looks like a new 设施 even though the essential footprint and structure of the building is the 1969 Physical 教育及装配大楼. 为斯图鲁斯二期项目筹集资金 will house indoor practice areas for baseball and softball as well as an indoor track, 仍在继续.

斯图鲁斯体育 & 健身中心为学生和学生提供现代化的健身房 工作人员.

The reconfigured gym and new floor provide a fresh new venue for Aquinas' indoor 体育运动s, 包括篮球和排球. 学生运动员被迫离开了一年 the old Physical 教育及装配大楼, originally opened in 1969, underwent 为了成为斯图鲁斯运动,我们进行了大规模的改造 & 健身中心,一流的运动场所 设施.

The 校董会 develops a new strategic plan, "愿景 Twenty20: Creating a 以指导学院未来十年的发展.


The Higher Learning Commission, formerly known as the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, concludes its March visitation giving 十大赌博正规平台在线 a ten-year 重新认证是它的最高建议.

Dr. 爱德华·巴洛格,他成功地指导学校通过了重新认证 程序,宣布退休,生效6月30日. 在离开校园时,巴洛格相信 his legacy is to have focused on academic excellence across the disciplines and developing 教师的专业精神达到了新的水平.

在博士. 巴洛格宣布他打算退休,董事会任命 a search committee which conducts a limited search, inviting selected individuals 申请空缺的职位. 今年4月,董事会宣布其选择的博士. Juan Olivarez to be the seventh president of 十大赌博正规平台在线 effective July 1, 2011.

(在右边:). 胡安·奥利瓦雷兹,1971年毕业于十大赌博正规平台在线,前校长 of Grand Rapids Community College, is selected by the 十大赌博正规平台在线 校董会 成为十大赌博正规平台在线的第七任院长,从他的任期开始. 巴洛格将于6月30日退休. 


Black and white photo of the Brookby Estate with an early model of car parked out front.

Brookby: Sam Cummings, property manager of CWD Real Estate, endowed Brookby to 十大赌博正规平台在线. Located at the corner of Plymouth Avenue and Robinson Road, and built in 1926 as a 老约翰·布洛杰特的养老院.这处房产占地5英亩,其中包括一幢房子 original manor, two smaller houses, gardens, storage facilities, and access to Fisk 湖.  Blodgett老.他是来自英国的木材大亨,是苏珊·洛的兄弟 嫁给了爱德华·洛威,荷姆丁庄园的主人. 布鲁克比地产服务 as an entertaining venue for Aquinas sponsored events, as well as the permanent residence 给大学校长的. 布鲁克比地产的收购圆满完成了 卡明将庄园与霍姆丁庄园联合起来的愿景.

2011 - 2012

十大赌博正规平台在线庆祝建校近一百周年 125周年, with several signature events to honor the four 多米尼加 charisms which have guided 学院自1886年作为见习师范学校成立以来. 祈祷,研究中, service and community are celebrated with public ceremonies, a book written by English professor Gary Eberle, and plans for 多米尼加 遗产 Plaza, a redesigned space 在韦格中心和学术大楼之间.


新增: 十大赌博正规平台在线 purchases another house, 1903 Robinson Rd SE, This house was built 1905年更名为米尔德里德·霍金斯修女堂. 八个高年级学生 会住在房子里吗.

米尔德里德·霍金斯·霍尔修女春夏的黑白照片. 门廊是封闭的,有一个长长的遮阳篷. 右边是一个车库.


曲棍球和保龄球: Men’s hockey and bowling teams wrap up their first ever seasons, with the hockey 球队在第一个赛季赢得15场比赛.

新闻剪辑具有一个学生的形象中保龄球投掷. 标题是展望未来. Subheading is Aquinas Bowling teams finish first ever season, looking forward to the next.
新闻 clip with an Aquinas Hockey Player facing the goalie of the opposing team on the ice. 标题:十大赌博登录官网男子曲棍球结束了第一个赛季. 正文中的大文本读起来 &我们赢了15场比赛&”;



新公寓楼十大赌博登录官网建造了它的第五幢公寓大楼,St. 利马大厅的玫瑰. 这个公寓 与圣. Martin de Porres建造于2009年.


St. 从足球场看利马大厅的玫瑰. 红砖建筑,四层楼,中间有一个大拱形窗户.

alsnis运动 & 休闲建筑作为斯图鲁斯体育的补充 和2010年开业的健身中心. 增加的房屋有200米的ncaa认证 track. 一些校内运动,包括长曲棍球,高尔夫球,棒球,垒球,和 篮球训练在新楼里进行.

Alkinsis室内田径. 运动员在前景的跑道上奔跑.






AQ优势中心 开放,为学生提供更广泛的大学经历. 包括就业服务, internships, research, and study away programs, the AQ Advantage Center, located in Mother Victor Flannery Hall, seeks to enrich students’ professional and personal growth, 同时为学生毕业后的生活做准备.

母亲维克多·弗兰纳里大厅,四周环绕着绿色植物. 这是一栋两层的淡黄色房子,有一个宽阔的门廊

新入口: After 71 years of entering the College through Robinson Road, the main entrance and 地址改到富尔顿街东1700号. 一个大的,横扫的驱动器打开了一个17英尺 圣像. 托马斯·十大赌博登录官网,由杰伊·卡朋特雕刻. 下面的雕塑,季节性的 花 and plants welcome students, alumni, 工作人员, faculty, and visitors into the 树木繁茂的校园.

Black and White photo of a wrought iron gate with brick pillars on either side connected to brick walls. 树填满了敞开的大门后面的空间.
圣雕像. Thomas Aquinas at the center of a paved circle surrounded by a short brick wall lined with bushes, 花, 和草. 背景是一排排的树.




Juan Oliverez在讲台上拿着麦克风

总统辞职: After six years of serving as the 7th President of the Aquinas, Juan Oliverez announces 他计划在2016-2017学年结束后辞职. 在他 term as President, Oliverez advocated for the building of a new chapel and for the addition of a new wing to the science building, as well as the expansion of athletic 给学生的机会. 

在全国范围内寻找新校长的工作已经开始. 遴选委员会 is comprised of the 校董会, administration, faculty, 工作人员, and students. Presidential candidates hold campus wide presentations to seek input from all members 书院院长.

十大赌博登录官网宣布设立一个新的翻译和口译专业. It 是密歇根州第一个这样的学校吗.


新教堂: Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, is completed and begins holding Mass and pastoral activities. 明亮通风的教堂可容纳250人.

简单的砖砌教堂,拱门上方有一扇圆形窗户. 屋顶顶上立着一个十字架. 蓝天白云在后面.
智慧礼拜堂圣母座的走道. 两边都有温暖的木凳. 十字架上的基督隐约出现在圣坛上. 墙壁是淡黄色的米色,内衬着温暖的木质细节.

新总统: 十大赌博正规平台在线宣布选出第八任院长. 凯文·奎因. 来自 St. 来自威斯康辛州诺伯特学院的奎因有着强大的职业背景 准备,关注学生的学业和个人成长. 他开始了他的 7月1日开学.



一个比赛 for writing a new fight song is held, Aquinas alum and current music instructor Barbara 麦卡格为获奖歌曲《十大赌博登录官网》(Vict’ry for the Saints)写了歌词. 音乐:Ken 由马克·韦伯编曲.


法蒂玛圣母 神社进行了修缮,并于5月1日举行了五月加冕仪式. 一个传统的 Catholic ceremony, a May Crowning consists of a solemn procession leading to the statue 玛丽. 在游行队伍的最后,头上会戴上一顶花冠 玛丽女王. 

The shrine was purchased by Aquinas students following the end of World War II in 战争中逝去的十大赌博登录官网的记忆.

Two people stand on a raised platform guiding the statue of 法蒂玛圣母 onto a pedestal. 雕像由起重机托着.


法蒂玛圣母 Statue adorned with beads and a flower crown with a backdrop of green tree foliage.

Sr. 玛丽·十大赌博登录官网翼阿尔伯图斯·马格努斯科学大楼的新翼已经完工. 命名为Sr. 玛丽·十大赌博登录官网·韦伯翼为纪念老. 十大赌博登录官网·韦伯,翼楼有新实验室 biology, chemistry, geography, physics, and a 110 seat lecture hall with state of 艺术技术.


艾伯塔斯·马格努斯科学大楼面向校园的一面. It's a building made up of rectangular facades artfully arranged made of red and gray brick. 有大片的蓝色窗户.
A lecture hall in Albertus Magnus Science Building with long white tables lined with swivel computer chairs, 最高一层在后面, 所有人都面对着房间低前面的白板.