Student Spotlight


Jacqueline Skorka

杰奎琳·斯科尔卡(Jacqueline Skorka)是十大赌博正规平台在线(Aquinas College)交流与写作专业的学生. 她来了 对十大赌博登录官网有一种未知的交流热情,但发现了这种激情 during her freshman year. While taking Intro to 沟通, Jackie revealed her new fervor for the Science of 沟通. She says, “的 more classes I took in the discipline, the more I loved public speaking, theory, etc. I have loved learning about people and why we interact in the ways we do.”

Jackie is also a part of the 沟通 Lab at Aquinas. She knew she wanted to 因为她对公开演讲的热爱和意愿,她立即成为其中的一员 帮助别人. In fact, Jackie was one of the first students to be involved with the 沟通 Lab; she is currently a Lab Facilitator who is in charge of the social media accounts. She mentions that the most challenging part of this job is 决定帮助学生满足他们需求的最佳方式,“有时他们只是需要 头脑风暴,说出自己的想法,得到提纲的帮助,或者只是听到反馈.“任何 来交流实验室是有正当理由的,Jackie永远都是 be there to help.

Jackie described a typical day in the 沟通 Lab. She commented that it starts 回顾一下当天的具体安排以及她可以准备些什么 for the student when s/he arrives. A big part of the 沟通 Lab is tailoring the experience to the individual she is helping out. She expanded upon this when she 他说:“我了解到,每一个走进实验室大门的学生都将是 不同的. 有时候解释是不够的,他们更注重视觉 所以我们通过写出来或举例来解决他们的问题.” She continued, “有时候,我看到哪怕是最小的东西也会在他们的脑海里响起,或者是一个小小的重量 松了一口气,因为他们觉得自己可能真的能 get through, it is irreplaceable.” Once the appointment is finished, Jackie helps the student sign out and asks him/her to complete a survey. To students considering 加入沟通实验室时,Jackie说:“如果你考虑过,那就去做吧 it.”

虽然杰姬不确定自己毕业后想找什么样的工作, she knows her experience will be useful. She has discovered a lot about herself during 她在十大赌博登录官网的时间,包括她在团队中工作的能力,以及从 others as possible. In doing this, Jackie has also developed some important life-long 技能. 她现在可以耐心地与各种沟通方式的人合作, helping them along the way. Jackie believes the 沟通 Lab separates Aquinas 因为这表明,“他们真正关心的是多少” 每一个学生.” Jackie is taking part in this mission by caring for 每一个学生 that steps through the Lab’s doors.


山姆是一名传统年龄的十大赌博登录官网学生,攻读工商管理学位 and 沟通 with a minor in writing. But what Sam did this past summer wasn't in any way "traditional." Sam worked as an intern in the office of President Quinn. Sam是第一个被选为这个职位的学生,所以这个职位就形成了 专门为他准备的,考虑到总统办公室的需要. 分享 为什么他想探索这个机会,他说:“我的兴趣 在奎因校长办公室实习是因为我有兴趣追求我的 career in higher education." Sam also expressed how this would mix extremely well 他的职业目标是在商业和通信领域. 他发现 这次实习是他将所学知识付诸实践的宝贵机会 实践. 这让他对日常工作和挑战有了一个大致的了解 和高等教育校长办公室的机会,山姆相信 这段经历将给他申请研究生课程带来明显的优势 in higher education administration.

山姆分享说,作为总统办公室的实习生,典型的一天是这样的 of working with Aquinas College committee members. He went on to detail his direct 与体育总监尼克·戴维森合作,以及他帮助进行的广泛研究 facilitate for Aquinas. His usual week consisted of 30-50 work hours, consistent with an average summer job. 的 difference, Sam says, is the unique experience. “不管 无论是通过电话、电子邮件、面对面交流还是谷歌Hangout,我都能够磨练自己的技能 在我的高等教育生涯中,我需要简洁有效地表达我的想法." Sam had some parting advice for any potential communication majors:

“对于那些攻读商务和沟通专业的人,我建议好好利用这个机会 of every incredible resource offered to you at Aquinas...If you are looking for it at Aquinas College, you may certainly find it."



盖茨·多迈尔是十大赌博登录官网大学传播学专业的转校生,他爱上了 the art of communication after taking a public speaking class. Once she transferred 盖茨说,有几个同学读过十大赌博登录官网的《十大赌博登录官网》 mentioned the idea of starting a public speaking club. So in the following semester, she decided to make that club, S.P.A.R.K.,现实.

S.P.A.R.K. 代表演讲,表演,艺术,修辞和知识,聚焦 更广泛的交流理念,而不仅仅是公开演讲. Gates articulates on this idea saying "沟通 is filled with diversity! Thoughts, feelings, and 情感可以通过诗歌、音乐、戏剧、即兴表演、励志演讲、 art, persuasion, and much more!" S.P.A.R.K. offers students the opportunity to 实践 active listening. Gates assures that is a safe and comforting environment for all of those who join, whether they love public speaking or not. "It is about establishing 一个支持学生的社区,他们以各种形式练习有效的沟通。”.

As a founding member of S.P.A.R.K., the club's e-board nominated Gates to be the President. “我在活动策划、组织、领导等方面承担了很多责任 more," Gates says. "I find this role challenging in the sense that I have never started a club from the ground up before." She sees these learned 技能 as an asset for her 未来的计划.

“就我个人而言,我希望有一天能在大学教授沟通. 火花了 教会了我无数关于人际关系、教学和组织的东西. 的 SPARK的创立帮助我发展了个人的领导风格 speculate on how I want to motivate and inspire my students."

Gates is eager to build the strength of the club. Targeting students interested in 沟通,她分享道:“像你这样的人会帮助我们做到这一点! 俱乐部的 long term success depends on you!"


安妮在广告行业找到了自己的职业,为知名广告公司工作 clients such as General 汽车 and Samsung. She learned the business of advertising 几乎是完整的,从入门级职位到高级职位 level advertising director. All of this collective advertising experience led to her 目前在脸谱网担任广告代表,与General合作 汽车. 在这个职位上,她帮助总经理计划和创建有效和有针对性的广告 as well as helping determine where best to place the ads online. When asked what she 安妮喜欢她的职位,她说:“脸谱网是一家最前沿的公司 connecting the world and bring communities together. It is amazing to be apart of something like that." 


photo of 凯莉的情况 at Storm Team 8 我选择我的研究领域是基于我上过的传播学导论课 first semester. My professor, Dr. Borton, was great and the class was very interesting. 这段经历激励我去上更多的沟通课,然后我被介绍给别人 更有热情的传播系教授,还有一个地区 of study I hadn't previously considered but found fascinating.

我在2017年春天在WOODTV实习,他们在秋天雇佣了我 协助《十大赌博正规平台在线》和《十大赌博登录官网》的制作人利用社交媒体, web content, guest relations, on-location production, etc. I think what I like the 最重要的是,每天都有一点不同,但结构相似. 它使 things interesting, yet stable at the same time.

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