
Adam Liberacki ' 12:校友在安利保持与十大赌博登录官网的紧密联系

作者:Miranda Burel '17

liberacki社区会随着人们的移动和成长而不断变化. 十大赌博登录官网价值观的重要组成部分, community is about reaching out, working 在一起, and creating something meaningful.

对12岁的亚当·利伯拉基来说,科学一直是一项集体努力. 作为一个孩子,他会的 turn up at science fairs toting wild experiments created with the help of his parents, 两位科学家自己.

“不可避免地,我们会展示一些粘稠的绿色粘稠物,一个功能立体模型 of the solar system, or in one case a very smelly botany experiment gone wrong,” he 说.

难怪利伯拉基找到了十大赌博登录官网. 被校园里茂密的树木吸引, small class sizes and the Dominican pillars, Liberacki knew he would soon call AQ 首页.

作为一名大一新生,他的课程表上满了尽可能多的科学课. 在 his biology major, he gravitated to ecology, zoology and botany, and spent two years 作为植物学实验室的助教. 当他不做作业的时候,他的时间 课外活动太多了. 利伯拉基参加了古典科学俱乐部 比如Tri-Beta(国家生物荣誉学会)和美国化学学会. 但他认为自己是“一个流氓生物学专业的学生”,曾担任领导职务 the AQ Programming Board (AQPB), serving as a barista in the Moose Cafe and welcoming 担任新生迎新领导.

Often working with others on projects, Aquinas helped Liberacki cultivate his cooperative 个性. “小班授课鼓励学生和教授紧密合作 在一起. 每个人都在个人层面上相互了解,”他说. “这协作 spirit is what’s helped me to build connections in my career and helped me to succeed.”

利伯拉基2012年5月毕业,7月加入了一个庞大的社区 安利AQ校友. 作为微生物质量保证实验室技术员,Liberacki 第一年,他就把实验室和生产设备弄得井井有条. 现在 他是一名助理科学家,致力于提供安全、优质的产品 任何包装、化学或微生物缺陷. 他目前的项目是快速评估 安利生产线过敏原检测技术. 实验室检测污染物 像E. 大肠杆菌或沙门氏菌在所使用的所有原材料和设备中,以及 成品.

“我的工作是保证人们在日常生活中的安全,”利伯拉基说. “当 you are in the store and see something like a gluten-free label, that means that someone 就像我证实的那样,产品中不含小麦. 我们已经接通了 严格检测,确保其安全性.”

Liberacki also participated in Take a Saint to Work Day, organized through the AQAdvantage 在此期间,在校学生在整个社区实习.

“I wanted to show students that quality assurance was a good option for the future,” 他说. “我还能够利用在安利工作的AQ校友的网络 provide a greater experience for the student and showcase various career paths during 他们的访问. 这是因为这种类型的社区和为他人服务的意愿 我喜欢在安利工作,喜欢在十大赌博登录官网工作.”

当社区支持其成员时,成功是可能的. 亚当·利伯拉基发现了这个 to be true and continues to nourish a strong community foundation in order to establish 联系和创造持久的变化.



Flanigan马特·弗拉纳根于1998年毕业于十大赌博正规平台在线,获得理学学士学位. 他选了西班牙语和生物双修专业,辅修化学. 完成后 his undergrad Matt attended Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine 他得了D.O.

He explained that a doctor trained in Osteopathic Medicine will have more varied medical 了解程序和诊断方法.

After medical school, Matt did his first year internship at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing 从2004年到2005年. 接下来,从2005年到2008年,马特在Spectrum做急诊住院医师 健康巴特沃斯. 最后,马特完成了一个专注于 2011-2012年的紧急超声波.

Currently Matt works at Spectrum Health as an emergency physician splitting his time 在他们的七家医院之间. 急诊医学是最难的一门 以及医疗保健的各个领域. 尽管如此,马特仍然保持着积极的态度, 当被问及他最喜欢这个领域的什么时,他说:“挑战是一种挑战 challenging specialty, you need to be well versed in a lot of different medical problems 对进门的任何东西都要感到自在. 我们帮助所有的新生儿 一直到100岁.”

Emergency physicians must have knowledge about medical problems in all other specialties 比如儿科、肿瘤学和心脏病学. 除了需要知识渊博之外 about literally all forms of taught medicine is the technical expertise required for 许多紧急医疗程序.

Matt listed putting in a chest tube, intubation, and point of care ultrasound in order to make a life threatening diagnosis as just a tiny look at the daunting list of technical 这个职业所需要的技能.

Matt is very genuine, with an emotionally intelligent way of speaking that is extremely 令人欣慰的. 他显然是一名优秀的医生,也懂得医疗的价值 努力工作和帮助他人.

When asked about his time at Aquinas, Matt explained that he had a soft spot for campus 部.

He especially loved the trips they took such as going to South Manitou Island and 春假期间服务学习旅行. 他描述了“the Fam”的形成 his friend group that meets multiple times a year and has since they attended Aquinas.

他还评论了理科生有8个a的趋势.m. 每一个类 还有他对商科学生周五不上课的嫉妒.

Additionally, he reminisced about the opening of The Cook Carriage house, a mainstay 十大赌博登录官网现在的校园. 马特表示,他很高兴能请到布朗博士. Mckelvy作为 biology professor many times and often shares stories of him writing entire complicated 记在黑板上的生物课.

当被问及是什么让十大赌博登录官网与众不同时,他说:“人,机会 to make close friendships due to the personable size of campus, the professors that were interested in you and committed to your success, and the feeling of empowerment 比如学生会. 十大赌博登录官网赋予你寻找梦想的能力. 并不是所有的学校都有.”

马特·弗拉纳根 is a clearly kind hearted individual that cares about his loved ones 还有他对病人的治疗. 他一直都是AQ的圣人,这一点也表现出来了 他生活的方方面面.

Kathleen (Pollock) Lucking ‘09: AQ Alumna a Resource to Low-Income 家庭 in Chicago

作者:Lauren Fay Carlson '12

“ I’ve always wanted to work in public health…something that gives back to the community,”

凯瑟琳(波洛克)说. 在十大赌博登录官网大学获得学士学位 graduating to Detroit Mercy Dental School in 2013, Pollock studied biology and chemistry, 最后是牙科. 现在,波洛克在芝加哥移动医疗中心工作 passion for health by providing free mobile dental services to patients who cannot 提供定期护理,为社区成员提供急需的服务.

芝加哥移动医疗是一家成立了15年的非营利组织,其使命是“提供免费服务” medical and preventative care, education, and support to low-income children and families within their native communities aboard mobile medical clinics,” according to their 网站. 最初专注于低收入家庭儿童的哮喘护理 非营利组织三年前扩大到包括牙科服务. “这很了不起。 需求量很大,”波洛克说.

“在芝加哥,获得医疗服务是一个大问题,”她补充说. 很多家庭 that Pollock treats are either uninsured or have Medicaid, and cannot afford regular 牙科治疗. 通过提供包括清洁在内的免费综合护理服务 and extractions, Pollock and her team help to prevent major dental problems before 他们发生. 许多人可能认为这种护理是标准的,“真的很有帮助” 这些家庭,”她说.

In addition to the price tag, Mobile Care’s services have one other attractive feature: 它们是可移动的. 在一辆房车里练习,房车里有三个完全正常运作的牙医 chairs and all of the necessary tools, Pollock can offer top-rate care in virtually 任何位置. “(我们)基本上有牙医诊所里所有的设施 “办公室,除了我们在轮子上,”她说.

After working for one year at a rigorous, corporate practice, Pollock enjoys the daily change of scenery and the ability to care for patients of all walks of life in various 整个城市的街区. “这总是一场冒险,”波洛克承认 她的谷歌日历告诉她一天中的任何时候她会在哪里. 工作 同时也与当地教会和大主教管区合作 of Chicago, after-school programs, health fairs, day camps and community organizations, 移动医疗房车从不缺少病人.

波洛克也喜欢与她的病人互动,其中许多人以前从未见过 坐过牙医的椅子. “他们非常诚实…….而且非常非常直率和有趣 总是一种快乐,”她说. 每天和孩子们一起工作也是允许的 她想做她自己,展示她的技能和个性. “这是一种自然现象 波洛克说. “他们听了我的烂笑话就笑.“治疗从婴儿到 age 21 with the majority under age 13, she is constantly in awe of— and entertained 她的病人.

Looking back, Pollock is grateful that she decided to pivot from a pre-med track toward 在十大赌博登录官网大学读二年级的时候. 对她来说,这个决定允许了她 去探索她对健康和科学的热情,不冒生与死的风险 在日常生活中. “当牙医的有趣之处在于你有机会 to do a lot of the same training as medicine but you’re still involved with holistic 医疗保健……没有任何焦虑,”她说.

Highly involved in a variety of programs like Habitat for Humanity, Community Action Volunteers Association (CAVA), church outreach and various professional organizations, 波洛克能够探索最适合她的,因为她导航的下一步. 她甚至 在大急流城的范安德尔研究所进行了研究实习. 最重要的是, Pollock is thankful for the small class sizes that allowed her to form personal relationships 和她的教授. “这就是在我们学校的神奇之处,”她说 说.

Pairing a dedication for public health with a passion for science, Pollock navigated a winding path of undergraduate and graduate studies and her first corporate job to 找到最合适的位置. 作为一名非传统执业的牙医,波洛克 在芝加哥市中心追求一份充满活力的事业. “我每天都感觉很好 我去上班,”她说. “(我)回馈社会,能够提供服务 一个最需要它的社区.”