十大赌博正规平台在线 is proud to partner with the Centre International d'Études Françaises (CIDEF) at the Université Catholique de l'Ouest on the French semester program in 昂热. Explore the heartland of the Loire Valley and experience the rich history 和法国的遗产. 这学期让学生沉浸在法语中 language and culture not only through classroom instruction, but also through excursions 住在一个法国寄宿家庭.
Student eating a macaron on the steps of a castle or palace.

  • GPA 2.5+
  • 在十大赌博正规平台在线完成2个学期
  • Completed FRE 202 with a grade of C or better, or received a 360+ on the French Placement 测试
  • Not on academic probation or have recent, serious, or repetitive behavioral citations 来自学生教务长

Students participate during the Spring semester and earn 12 - 18 credits that count 对法语的主要/次要要求.

抵达后,学生要参加法语分班考试. 根据结果,学生 are placed in the appropriate required language course. 安置水平会影响 which elective courses are available for the student to take. 此外,先进的 students may have the option of attending a selected course - in consultation with the resident director - at the Université Catholique de l'Ouest. 



  • Language (Langue, level A1-C1) (6 - 9 credits depending on level, FRE 229 French Elective)

Elective 课程 (select 1 - 4 courses, availability dependent on level):

  • Grammar (Grammaire, level As - C1) (3 credits, FRE 299 French Elective)
  • Phonetics (Phonétique, level A1 - C1) (3 credits, FRE 299 French Elective)
  • 口语表达(口语表达,B1级.1/B1.(3学分,FRE 301法语会话 and Composition I or FRE 302 French Conversation 及二级作文/写作强化)
  • 口语理解,B1级.1/B1.(3学分,FRE 301法语 会话与作文(一)
  • 书面技能(compsamaces) B1级.1/B1.(3学分,FRE 302法语会话 及二级作文/写作强化)
  • Literature (Littérature, level B1 - B2)(3学分,免学费 396(法语专题)
  • Social/Cultural Studies (Etudes socio-culturelles, level B1.1/B1.2)(3学分,免学费 396专题(法语)
  • 文化 and Discoveries (文化 et découvertes, level B1.1/B1.2)(3学分,免学费 369专题(法语)
  • 法国历史(法语史,B1级.1 - C1)(3学分,FRE 396专题 在法国)
  • 艺术史(艺术史,B1级.1 - C1)(3学分,FRE 396专题 在法国)
  • Theatrical Expression (Expression théatrale, level B1.2 - C1)(3学分,FRE 396 专题(法语)
  • 新闻 and Media (Actualités et médias, level B2 - C1) (3 credits, FRE 369 Special Topics 在法国)
  • European Political Life (Vie politique et système européen, level B2 - C1) (3 credits, FRE 396(法语专题)
  • Music History (Histoire de la musique, level B2 - C1)(3学分,FRE 396 Special 主题(法语)
  • Philosophy (Philosophie, level B2 - C1)(3学分,FRE 396(法语专题)
  • Theology (Théologie, level B2 - C1)(3学分,FRE 396(法语专题)
  • 法国时尚,A2 - B1级.1)(3学分,FRE 405法语为 职业/高级顶点)
  • Business French (Français des affaires, level B1 - C1) (3 credits, FRE 405 French 专业/高级顶点课程)
  • 旅游法语B1级.2)(3学分,FRE 405法语为 职业/高级顶点)
  • 翻译(英法翻译)B1级.2 - C1)(3学分,法语FRE 405 专业/高级顶点课程)

CIDEF organizes guided excursions, either day- or half-day trips, to the Loire Valley 或法国西部. These excursions are designed to augment the program’s curriculum and take students to various cities and cultural sites both locally and regionally. In the past students have had the opportunity to visit Mont Saint Michel and Saint Malo, Normandy D-Day beaches, Château de Chambord in the Loire Valley, Anjou, 给rny, the Puy du Fou historical theme park, and Golfe du Morbihan/Vannes. 旅行的机会 每个学期的经历都不一样. CIDEF还提供额外的文化活动 experiences, like cooking classes, for an additional fee (15€ - 40€ or $16 - $45, 成本取决于活动). 学生可以报名参加额外的游览活动 by CIDEF (for an additional cost - 70€ or about $75 - $80 per excursion) or create 通过自助游体验自己. 

Participants will be placed in home-stays with local families. 此设置提供 the opportunity to build friendships and gain insight into daily living, as well as an immediate local resource for the individual student. 融入日常 workings of the host family home allows for regular and practical language application 以及对文化价值观和行为的洞察. 此外,寄宿家庭提供 breakfast, 3 evening meals, and kitchen access for student use.

项目费用是除了十大赌博登录官网的学费. Students will not be charged Aquinas housing fees and do not need an Aquinas meal 计划他们是否参加这个项目.



  • 往返机票
  • 住宿(寄宿家庭)
  • Some excursions (other excursions available for additional fee)
  • 课程材料
  • Breakfast and three evening meals per week (provided by your host family)
  • 健康/旅行保险 

Additional excursions and cultural activities, planned by CIDEF, currently cost 70€ (about $75 - $80) per excursion and 15€ - 40€ ($16 - $45) per activity. 

Please visit the Money Matters page and review the budget worksheet for information 关于奖学金和其他费用的考虑.


After being accepted into the program by the Office of 国际项目, you will be invited to enroll and register through the CIDEF网站.


在法国留学需要签证. 签证处理时间可能会有所不同, but usually takes 6 - 10 weeks, so be sure to plan ahead. 一旦被录取, CIDEF will send you letters of support and instructions to begin the visa process.


  • 在Campus 法国 USA注册以获得预批准
  • Complete the visa application, prepare necessary documents for application
  • Schedule an appointment at the VFS Global Center in Chicago 30-90 days before leaving (携带适当文件)
  • 办理签证3 - 4周后可获得签证
  • After arriving in 法国, register and validate your visa


Once you have committed to this program, the Office of 国际项目 will reach out to the 金融援助 Office to confirm your participation and they will 决定你是否有资格获得博士学位. 哈利和夫人. 希拉·诺普克奖学金 International Study and any other internal scholarships.

此外, 法国大急流城联盟奖学金 is offered each year to a rising junior or senior student who shows interest and proficiency in French language and Francophone culture. 应用程序通常是 四月到期.

Finally, review the External 奖学金 section of the Money Matters page for additional 奖学金的机会.


Reach out to the Office of 国际项目 or review the CIDEF网站 有关其他节目信息.

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